Pssst... Got a secret?
Speak up...your embarrassing problem might have an easy fix!

Sadly, we find that men's health, and in particular 'men's sexual health' is considered "Secret Men's Business" by many!?
So secret in fact, that many men don't tell 'anyone' (not even their partner or best mates) and will ignore their health concerns (not only sexual health concerns) until they're absolutely 'unavoidable'.
If words like 'erectile dysfunction', 'premature ejaculation', 'sti', 'sexually transmitted infection', hiv or even 'vasectomy' are hard for you to say (let alone deal with)... Don't worry. We get it.
But honestly... there's nothing that we haven't heard or seen before in that space, and because we're also GPs, we can run your general servicing (lifestage) checks at the same time.
Think of your sexual health checkup and lifestage checkup as your 'major' service.

Though men's sexual health is of course a very important part of their overall health, it's only one part of a much bigger picture.
So to celebrate Men's Health Week, we've pulled together a collection of fantastic and reputable resources to help you help yourself - a kind of ‘virtual’ “Secret Men’s Business Showbag” which includes a collection of important men’s health information, events, guidelines, vouchers and giveaways to help you help yourself… or someone you love!
Please pass it on!!
Supported by the Australian Government, the Men’s Health Information and Resource Centre (inside the University of Western Sydney) established Men's Health Week in Australia to provide a platform for challenging and debating key issues in men's health and to raise the profile of men, their health outcomes and health needs around the country each June. Their website provides reliable evidence based information, resources, events and contacts around various men’s health topics.
Healthy Male (Andrology Australia)
Supported by the Australian Government Department of Health, Healthy Male collaborates with Australia’s leading researchers, specialists, clinicians and educators to develop information that fills the gaps in men’s health.
We love their A to Z of men’s health - it is comprehensive, easy to read and understand. If you have a men’s health question before making an appointment with your doctor, this is a great place to start!
The Australian Men’s Health Forum (AMHF) is the national peak forum for a social determinants approach to the health of men and boys. They are an alliance of organisations, service providers, plus individual men and women, actively engaged and interested in addressing the physical, psychological, emotional, intellectual, educational, social, spiritual, sexual and relationship needs of men and boys in Australia.
The AMHF have created a fabulous collection of Men’s Health Week events lined up around Australia… from push up challenges and mental health breakfasts to suicide prevention webinars
Head to Health can help you find digital mental health services from some of Australia’s most trusted mental health organisations.
Provided by the Australian Department of Health, Head to Health brings together apps, online programs, online forums, and phone services, as well as a range of digital information resources.
Whether you are trying to improve your own sense of wellbeing, looking for help with something that is bothering you, or helping someone you care about—Head to Health is a good place to start.
Healthdirect Australia is a national, government-owned, not-for-profit organisation who support Australians in managing their own health and wellbeing through a range of virtual health services. Every service and online health tool Health Direct provides adheres to rigorous clinical governance processes to ensure they are safe, effective, appropriate, customer-centred, accessible and efficient.
Downloadable Brochures:

Healthy Male (Andrology Australia) want to encourage men to be proactive in looking after their health, which is why they created the ‘Spanner in the Works?’ booklet with the Australian Men’s Shed Association.
This booklet provides a general service and maintenance schedule including DIY tips for checking in on your own wellbeing and suggestions for when to go and visit your GP.

Also from the Healthy Male team is this fabulous Male Reproductive & Sexual Health User Guide... Definitely on our recommended reading resource list!!

If you're considering a vasectomy, this fact sheet answers most of the questions that you may have about the procedure and how it will affect you.
You will also find a lot of information on the Clinic 66 website, including a comprehensive FAQ page dedicated to questions regarding vasectomy!
If you’re over 40 and have completed your family, vasectomy is a wonderful way for you to step up for your partner and your family.
And to celebrate Men’s Health Week (and your fabulous decision), we’re giving you your choice of either $50 off your vasectomy or a free ‘life stage appropriate’ men’s health checkup consultation with your vasectomy consultation.
Please be sure to mention this promotion when you book your vasectomy (including which offer you prefer to take) and download the voucher to bring it with you to your appointment.
$50 toward the Gap fee for your Vasectomy

A Free Lifestage Appropriate Health Check with your Vasectomy

Also see:

Our own Dr Emma Boulton discusses the preventative maintenance health checks that men should consider at various lifestages.
The Clinic 66 Website Men's Health section is also a great source of men's health information.
And there's nothing quite like speaking to an experienced health professional about your concerns.
If you're not keen on coming into the clinic, we can also meet with you via telehealth. You'd be surprised at what we can do via telephone/video consultation.
Call the clinic to find out if we can assist via telehealth if this is your preference.