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Iron Infusion

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The human body needs preventative maintenance like any sophisticated high performing machine. Regular checkups to ensure smooth running at various stages of your life are recommended.


There are some differences when it comes to screening for men and women, but many health risk issues are common.

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Check in on your Check Ups!


It can be hard to take proper care of our health when we’re busy. However, maintaining it, rather than fixing it when something goes wrong (yes, just like a car) is the easiest and best option.


How? With regular health checks. This booklet is designed to be a ‘road map’ through your essential physical health checks, at every life stage. But of course, your body isn’t the only thing you need to care for.

My Health First - lifestage booklet JH.P
Staying well as you age JH.PNG
Life stage Health Checks Fact Sheet JH.P

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Note: The information provided in this service is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient/health professional relationships


31 Bertram St, Chatswood NSW 2067

02 9411 3411


If you call us out of normal business hours, your call will be answered by our after-hours on-call doctor service, who will attend to and triage your call. If appropriate, a doctors home visit may be offered. 


In the event of an emergency, the closest emergency department is Royal North Shore Hospital,  located at Reserve Rd, St Leonards.


Monday to Friday

8am till 5:30pm



8am till 4pm


Our private, specialist GP services are available via appointment only, and unfortunately we cannot accept patients via ‘walk in’. 

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You'll be surprised at how much we can help you by telehealth!

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Clinic 66 Quality Practice Accreditation

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