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Thrush, Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and other common vulval & vaginal conditions
All that Itches is Not Thrush!!
Dr Lynne Wray, Clinic 66's Sexual Health Physician and Vulva & Vagina Expert, answers all those sticky, itchy, stingy, burny, smelly questions that we don't like to talk about... but most women will experience at some point.
What is Thrush?
How and Why do I keep getting it?
How do I treat it?
Should my partner be treated?
Why shouldn't I be worried about Group B Strep?
What's BV and why does it keep coming back
Lynne doesn't hold back. So if you have some questions around vulval and vaginal discomfort, there's a good chance you will find some valuable answers right here!
For more info, check out these comprehensive publications:
You may be shy or embarrassed about bringing these issues up with your Doctor... but honestly, we see this every single day! Don't self-treat, make an appointment and let's get this sorted for you asap!
Last updated on 9/09/2020
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