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Let's Talk About Sexual & Reproductive Health BLOG

Listen up guys ! It's Men's Health Week and its time to talk

Writer's picture: Dr Emma BoultonDr Emma Boulton

Men 15-30 yrs - Young bucks!

Life is great out and you are untouchable!

Strong fit and well, there isn't much that can bring a young man down... except lifestyle choices!

The main risk to health and well-being of young men is alcohol, drugs and accidents. So everything in moderation including moderation!

Have fun but take care . Look after your sexual partners as well as yourself, and use a condom.

Keep active; get exercise every day and talk about how you’re feeling to friends and family.

Express yourself and do things that make you feel happy. Don’t bottle it up when things start to get on top of you.

Men 30-50 - Stags!

You’re in your prime and you feel good.

Your body is forgiving and able to perform even when you don’t look after it as well as you should. But don’t take it for granted!

Make sure you don’t pack on excess kilos by having a bad diet.

Drink moderately; two or three drinks on 2 to 3 days a week is enough.

Feeling stressed? Do things that you love and maintain a hobby, even when time is precious.

Get a check up with your GP. Now is the time to pick up any risk factors such as high cholesterol or blood pressure.

Men 50-100! - Mature stags!

Regular health checks are really important, to keep on top of any health issues and manage them as best you can.

If you are carrying too much weight you need to lose it NOW! Otherwise your heart, kidneys and joints will be under too much strain. Get off your butt and move! Check your diet; and eat meat less than once per day. Increase your plant based intake and you will be pleasantly surprised at how well you feel.

Make sure you have input into the lives of young bucks; they need you to guide and mentor them now. It’ll make you feel good too.

See your GP as an ally and don’t be a stranger; they can help to keep you strong by using a program of preventive maintenance!

Check out these useful infographics from the Men's Health Week website -


For more information about how Clinic 66 can help, check out our Men's Health pages.


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