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Men's Health

One-in-three men experience problems with their reproductive and sexual health (Yes, 1 in 3!!)

Unfortunately these scary stat's from Healthy Male (Andrology Australia) also tell us that way too many men put off visiting a health professional when something is not right... and often they wait till it's too late :(

"She'll be right mate"... is not the best approach when it comes to your health guys!?


Because just like your car maintenance, it’s always better to sort out a small problem before it gets bigger... And honestly, it's 'usually' MUCH easier to fix than you might think!

Clinic 66 specialises in men’s sexual and reproductive health ~
 From sexually transmitted infection, infertility and erectile dysfunction to vasectomy, HIV (PrEP or PEP) prescribing,
we're here to help


We offer 'no scalpel' vasectomy carried out by experienced doctors using either local or twilight aneasthetic

Portrait of a Man
Erectile Dysfunction

We provide a variety of treatments for erectile dysfunction, including hormone therapy, counselling, prescription medicines, and more

STI/STD Screening

If you have symptoms you're worried about or perhaps had unprotected sex with someone you're not sure about, act now!

If there's something wrong, let's do something about it this Men's Health Week!?

Healthy Male (Andrology Australia) want to encourage men to be proactive in looking after their health, which is why they created the ‘Spanner in the Works?’ booklet with the Australian Men’s Shed Association. This new booklet provides a general service and maintenance schedule including DIY tips for checking in on your own wellbeing and suggestions for when to go and visit your GP.

Spanner in the works - A booklet about Mens Health

Click on the image to open the booklet and Download the PDF if you wish to print or share

Help yourself to our Healthy Male resource library

Click on the image to open the document to view, and download if you wish. Feel free to share with the men you care about!!

From the Blog...
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