Happy & Healthy Mother's Day!
We love mums. We care about mums. We are mums too!! Which is why we've made this short list of 6 simple but important 'self care' ideas that Mum's should consider this mother's day and beyond!
1. Move your body!
When you're busy it's easy to neglect this important part of your selfcare routine, because you likely feel that you're busy enough not to need specific 'exercise' time. But anyone who makes the time to exercise consistently will tell you that it is absolutely worth the effort.
It helps to find some fun activity that will motivate you to take care of you!? Perhaps a yoga, tai chi or pilates class? A hike in nature with a friend? A personal trainer, a dance class or training for a charity walk/run?
2. Feed your body
Good food is like high octane fuel for your body, so be sure to eat and drink high-quality, natural and nutritious ingredients and wholefoods as much as possible. If you're still feeding your kids (and even if you're not), you'll be modeling the healthy behaviour that you naturally want for them.
Try going vegetarian a few times a week. Shop at local farmer's markets for organic produce. Explore the unlimited range of healthy meal and snack recipes on Google and add some to your weekly meal plan. Experiment with how you feel after eating a big green salad for lunch everyday for a week? Drink water instead of soft drinks. Eat an apple a day (to test out that popular theory!?)
3. Put your healthcare in your diary
Women, and particularly 'Mothers' are notoriously bad at neglecting their regular maintenance checks. They would never miss any of their kid's annual checkups, or even the car's regular servicing, but often ignore their own body's signals for medical attention. And this sadly can and often does result in a serious health scare.
Depending on your stage of life, there are recommended routine annual checkups, tests, screening and vaccinations. You can organise a 'Lifestage Checkup' without referral at Clinic 66. Click here to find out more.
And of course you should also get annual optometrist and dental checks as well.
4. Stay connected.
Life can get busy, but it's all a bit pointless if that means you miss out on quality time with family and friends, right!?
You need to squeeze in some time to connect with your people on a regular basis, and make that a priority in your busy schedule! For example, make the first Saturday of each month date night, or schedule a regular walk and coffee date with your friends. Make it a goal to invite family for dinner (or even just a pizza and movie) at least once a month.
The important thing is to put it into your calendar and make sure it happens!
5. Make sleep a priority.
Hands up if you're usually the last one to bed and the first one up!? It's a very common phenomenon with Mums, and it's not doing us any good. Not at all! Studies have proven that chronic lack of sleep has adverse health consequences. People who consistently sleep less than six hours experience increased appetite (+ weight gain) and increases the risk of depression, cardiovascular disease, and Type 2 diabetes. There's a lot of information on the net about establishing good sleep hygiene practices, but if you're having trouble with getting to sleep (and staying asleep), there could be other factors at play, so make an appointment with one of our GP's.
6. Take care of YOU
Life can get a bit overwhelming as a mum, and it's easy to lose yourself in the day to day routine of family life... ie, cooking, cleaning, bills, laundry, etc etc. And before you know it, you've forgotten who you are and what lights you up?
So it's important to stay in touch with what gives you joy? Some ideas might be to pursue old (or new) hobbies. Journal. Meditate. Learn a new skill. Just because you've added 'mother' to your resume, doesn't mean that you can't stay connected to your innermost passions, and what keeps you fully alive and happy.